
It’s the much maligned food group that needn’t mean fat. Nutritionist Leo Pemberton gives you the skinny on starch. If there’s one food group that gets a bad press, it’s carbohydrates. Since the Atkins diet revolution of the 90s, high fat-high protein diets have rarely been out of the news, touted as a miracle cure for everything from heart disease and obesity to Type-2 Diabetes. Carbs are often cast as the villain of the piece – but cutting them out...
  Want your healthy living intentions to last beyond January? Our new resident dietitian and nutritionist Leo Pemberton has a 10-point plan.   1) Set SMART goals for 2015. Resolutions often tend to be a huge list of don’ts. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely. If weight loss is your focus, set a sensible goal – a weight you’ve actually been at within the last few years. Be realistic about how long you expect this to take:...
Merry Christmas! 2014 has been extraordinary for me. It started with me delivering my then untitled book to my publishers in January, then in February, I was asked by Selfridges to curate and host a series of debates, discussions and workshop events for the Beauty Project, a six-week long celebration of beauty throughout all Selfridges stores. To see beauty taking centre stage, and in such an inclusive, positive and intelligent manner, and on such a grand scale, was an absolute...