03 Apr
When you live in New England, there are years when it seems like winter lasts forever. It’s officially Spring, but our flower beds have yet to bloom. Soon enough, we’ll have bright petals and sweet scents, but until then, we’ll have to indulge our passion for plants in other ways. This April, we’re celebrating National Garden Month by highlighting our botanical ingredients. Commonly, flowers appear in two ingredient forms: an extract or an essential oil. The skin care benefits are similar in both...
27 Mar
Have you ever looked at the back of your favorite makeup and wondered, “what is that ingredient and how does it affect my skin?” In our Ingredient Education series, we explore the skin benefits of some of our most interesting ingredients. Let’s talk about the beauty and skin benefits of Jojoba Oil! It seems like there is a new, trendy oil every six months but why do we ignore some of the most used oils? For years Jojoba Oil has...
02 Jan
As the seasons change, so should your skin care habits. In Great Barrington, MA and most of Northern Hemisphere, winter means one thing: cooler temperatures. The cold brings enchanting snow-covered trees, thrilling winter sports and an insatiable craving for hot cocoa. But, icy temps also mean dry air and drier skin. When the temperature drops, so does the humidity level. Combine dry air with harsh winds and central heating, and you get the perfect storm for chapped lips, itchy cracked hands and other signs...