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21 Nov
It was less than a month ago that hurricane Sandy ripped through the northeast ravaging much of New York City, Staten Island and New Jersey, leaving thousands without power and many without food, shelter and clothing. In the Berkshires we saw few signs that Sandy ever existed, but for many of our employees, the effect it had on family and friends, was heart breaking.
Pat, one of our warehouse employees, heard that the Lanesborough Volunteer Fire Department, a local Berkshires Fire Department, was delivering a truck-full of donations to the devastated area. Pat asked that we create a space for our employees to drop off supplies that the Fire Department could include in their donation.
The response from within the jane iredale family was tremendous, so it was decided that the company would make a trip to Staten Island. jane iredale reps living in the areas devastated by Sandy, as well as many of our Partners, were vital in communicating the needs of those in the devastated areas. Requests included non-perishable food, batteries, diapers, blankets and clothes.
Members of the community and jane iredale employees donated much-needed items including cleaning supplies, baby food, pet food, clothes and even toys. Some contributed monetary donations, which jane iredale matched dollar for dollar. With the donated dollars and company match, we were able to purchase 6,000 gallons of bleach, 30 cases of diapers, 20 cases of industrial cleaning wipes, 3,600 contractor style garbage bags, 30 pairs of heavy duty cleaning gloves, 400 dehydrated meal bowls and 400 juice pouches.
Yesterday, four members of the jane iredale family, backed by a company and community of big hearts, made the drive to Staten Island, in two box trucks.
The drop off location was a local church on Staten Island. When asked how long they had been collecting supplies, the Pastor said that the devastation to the area was so extensive that entire neighborhoods had been wiped out and they would be collecting and distributing supplies for as long as they came in.
We are so proud of our community and the wonderful people who have been able to help others hurting at this time. It is our hope that the supplies provided will help as the communities devastated by Sandy begin rebuilding.
We hope that all of our friends have a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving. We are so thankful for each and every one of you.
If you are interested in helping the survivors of Sandy or those in your community this holiday season, we suggest contacting the Red Cross.
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