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Alphabet Bags Ship Shape Wash Bag

FAlphabet Bagsew of the men I know could be described as metrosexual, but all of them would be delighted to find a smart new washbag under the tree, even if they put nothing more than a toothbrush and some own brand 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner inside. Alphabet Bags have long made those lovely initial print bags that make such excellent gifts for girlfriends, but they have branched out, now, into a number of sloganed pouches, including some that are suitable for men. This roomy, heavy-weight canvas washbag, with its flag design and chunky zip is just made for hearty sailors who like to keep themselves ship-shape and Bristol fashion, with plenty of space for storing manly —GRRRR!!—products called things like Scruffing Polish and Power Wash.

Alphabet Bags Ship Shape Wash Bag, £22

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