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10 May
Spring is beautiful, but in the Berkshires it can be tentative at best. In the past month we have had ninety degree days, and also snow. However, we are still determined to celebrate the season with fresh makeup and new clothes. So in that spirit, here are some of my favorite things about spring:
- Skipping the blow dryer. What’s the point? With so many April (and May) showers, the blowout isn’t going to make it anyway. So give your poor heat-distressed tresses a rest and look soft and romantic.
- Brilliant florals. What better time to access our inner girly-girls and just be really pretty. This year, Liberty of London is perfectly on Target
- Jane’s garden. It is an uplifting reminder on the way to work every morning that beauty has real value.
- Wild wellies. Let it rain, our feet are dry and fabulous.
- And last but not least: pink cheeks and lips. There is nothing as fresh, pretty and feminine as glowing pink cheeks (Clarity In Touch Cream Blush is my go-to); and soft, bright lips (Sugar Plum PureGloss Lip Gloss and Fascination Lip Fixation are in heavy rotation).
Now it’s your turn! Leave a comment on this blog post about your favorite things about spring. We will pick our ten favorite comments, and those ten people will receive one Lip Fixation in their favorite shade.
Contest rules, terms and conditions can be found here.
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