01 Jan
The start of a new year is the perfect time to re-evaluate things— your job, your diet, and even your daily beauty routine. We find this process of reflection and goal-setting (making resolutions, if you will) helpful when trying to maintain a healthy, balanced life. Balance is important to us because we believe it is the foundation of wellness. Some people define wellness as eating right or being fit, but we believe it’s more than that. It’s about living a well-rounded...
20 Oct
Choosing the right foundation is possibly the hardest makeup decision we ever make. In the past, we discussed the benefits of each foundation formula, and how to choose the right foundation for your skin type. So today, we want to give you a few tips on how to choose the right foundation shade match. Visit our Partners Credit: @helenebruland Finding your foundation shade match is always easiest when done in-person. We have hundreds of retail partners across the U.S. with...
12 Oct
Do you ever wonder how your favorite beauty CEOs start their days? The editors at Brit + Co. do too, so they asked 13 of their favorite makeup moguls, including Jane, about their morning beauty routines. In the Brit + Co. article, Jane talks about the first thing she does when she wakes up (a quick jog and feeding Cookie), her favorite beauty multi-tasker (PurePressed Base, of course!), and her five-minute, morning, beauty routine. Jane's 5-Minute Morning Beauty Routine Scroll...