27 Feb
The winning foundation, as chosen by Sali This is the sixth and final part of my series for Harvey Nichols, who asked me to judge the finest foundations sold in-store and online at harveynichols.com. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed testing the best in luxury bases across all categories, for every skin type, age and skin tone. But after due consideration, I decided there could only be one winner… Armani Luminous Silk Foundation, £40 If I’m making up someone I‘ve never met, whose...
22 Feb
Hey beauties, I finally got around to dolling Kemi’s face . I am so happy I went for classic clean beat because her melanin was popping. I used Davis eyebrow pencil in 03 for her brows instead of a brow powder.I used Jordana foundation in Mahogany for the semi matte finish and Maybelline Mocha powder.Sonia Kashuk Bronzer to add warmth to her face. NYX setting spray. The lips was Davis Brown pencil and Sonia Kashuk lip stick in nude.Black eyeliner...
14 Feb
Every couple of years or so, some friends and I book a spa day and take ourselves off with bags of magazines and snacks. We hop on some loungers, catch up on each others’ lives, and ignore the disapproving glances as we wolf down Poulain (at one particularly strict spa I thought we were going to get mugged for our chocolate by the starved looking hordes coming out of dinner). For our first few spa visits I booked a...